Canada Refugee

The Government of Canada has a history of welcoming refugees to Canada. UNHCR Canada, an agency committed to protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, reports that most refugees come to Canada with limited or no resources and despite adverse challenges, refugees embrace the opportunity to become important contributors to Canada.

If you are seeking refuge because you fear persecution and your country is unable to provide protection, you may be eligible to seek asylum in Canada.

There are other requirements you will have to meet for eligibility, as well.

People who are subject to removal order cannot make a claim.

Principle of non-refoulement(a rule of international law).

Canada agrees not to return refugees to the countries where:

  • They face a risk of persecution
  • Their life or freedom could be threatened because of their race, nationality, politics, religion, and membership in a specific social group.

Convention Refugee

Convention refugees are those who are living outside of and cannot return to their country of origin, because of possible persecution based on race, nationality, politics, religion, and membership in a specific social group.

People Who Need Protection

To be defined as a person in need of protection you need to demonstrate that you would probably face torture, cruel and unusual treatment, or punishment, or that your life would be at risk if you were forced to return to your original country.

Inside Canada

If you are currently living in Canada, and fear for your life, or are afraid that you would be subjected to extreme punishment, cruel treatment, or torture if you returned to your home country, you may be able to claim protection and become a permanent citizen of Canada.

Asylum claimants are different from resettled refugees.

Asylum seekers make a claim in Canada at a port of entry, or at an in-land office (Canada Border Security Agency or IRCC). Resettled refugees are screened abroad for security and medical purposes before being issued a visa for entry into Canada. When they arrive in Canada, they are permanent residents. All refugee claimants undergo health and security screening, including biographic and biometric checks as well as security and criminality checks.

Waiting For a Refugee Status Claim Decision

If you are waiting for your decision, you may have access to services, including social assistance, education, health services, and others, while waiting for a decision. You can also apply for a work permit after a medical examination.

A decision is usually made in about four months. You aren’t eligible for federal settlement refugee services until your claim has been approved, but you may be eligible for some provincial refugee services.

Refugee Programs In Canada

There are some important programs in Canada to help you. These include UNHCR Canada, part of the global UN Refugee Agency, which is committed to “saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people” according to the Red Cross.